Is TikTok just about Dance Moves?

So I started a TikTok account!

and spent most of last night, trying to figure out what it’s all about! LIKE what it really is about!

I’ve asked this question so many times in training sessions and randomly to various people:

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear TikTok?



I’ve not done any background reading or anything, but just from what I know so far with my children using. 2/ 3 of them only have an account to watch videos.

And I have to say, some of the things they’ve learned through some of the videos have been educational and great life hacks apart from dance moves – which I don’t find very cool!

So why am I on TikTok? Isn’t being on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Google, and real life already enough?

Why one more account?

Well – right now I guess I have a lot of time on my hand – well not really but I do for now!

I’m just going to list the plus side of TikTok I see:

  1. I finally have a place where I can upload videos

Yes – but you can do that on Youtube too! Yes, but with YouTube, you have to make it all perfect and add all the necessities, use separate applications on your phone or laptop, and do editing.

I find with TikTok – you just select your videos or photos, select background music, add some text, and filter and it’s ready to go.

And being on TikTok with ZERO followers – my first video already got 500 views in the 1st hour that I posted.

and by end of the day, I already have 14 followers Yay!

2. Random people will view your video

If you use a lot of hashtags #, which I did – those who have similar interests around that particular # will view your video and you may get some LIKES too!

I’m on 98 Likes!

3. Fast Editing of video files

I mentioned a bit in Point 1. But yes! YOu can just do everything within the app and then upload. I’m still not sure though if you can edit the caption once you upload, couldn’t find that option!

So I got a bit carried away and posted random nice videos on my account that I had on my phone.

Random meaning – different types. My daughters played their musical instruments, a beekeeping video I took of our bee farm here, flowers, food, and some travel scenery.

I guess that basically sums up my ABOUT on TikTok!

4. Use of Filters and Face Filters things ( I don’t know what they are called)

You can also disguise yourself under the filters or ‘effects’ they are called by hiding your ‘real’ face. There are some cool ones, but I have yet to try!

With these four ‘plus’ sides of TikTok – anyone can use it to share useful information. Either using your ‘real’ face or your hidden face but makes it easier to post informative videos, by recording yourself or sharing a video that you have on your phone.

For now, I’m still getting the hang of it! But I can already visualize how to include learning on ICT, Tech, Digital, and useful information update!

Since TikTok is for the much younger generation – it is also a great avenue to reach them! Go where the people are!

Well, I guess this is my first experience with using a new Social Media Platform – which hopefully tide change – that it does not just be known as an app for dumb videos but one we can use for the greater benefit of learning and education.

While in New Zealand for studies, in the lecture class, a TikTok video was shown of a Professor that uses TikTok to share her knowledge to teach others!

What are your thoughts? Are you on TikTok? How do you find it?

By the way – one feature I do not like is when you load TikTok, it loads videos on the “For You” tab, which makes you HAVE to watch!! and most of them are dance videos.

I don’t know how the videos I posted got to reach 300 plays already – but I guess it’s showing on some other user’s “For You” tab.

sidenote. I just figured out what #fyp is! hahaha!